Welcome to BIDROP, Just Hodl!

3 min readMar 28, 2021

Keep lp-token Bidrop on your wallet cause at any moment a snap airdrop and rewards can fall.

Bidrop is an innovative approach in the DEFI sector. It is an experimental decentralized project with a native token, accruing regular rewards and airdrops to the owners. Hybrid system of generation and distribution of liquid assets will provide Bidrop project liquidity providers with the constant inflow of coins to the wallet. It is not necessary to interact with third-party smart contracts; enrollments are made automatically, based on a snapshot of the balance in a certain period of time.

Automatic charge of reward and airdrop.

Not necessary to stake lp-token to the other contracts! The reward is accrued automatically, based on a snapshot of liquidity providers.

Reward investment surplus revenue

Keep lp-token BIDROP/BNB and get rewards from investing activities, such as, IFO, ICO, ILO, IDO

Reward for investing in farming

Rewarding interests funding due to successful collaboration in the verified yald farming project.

Airdrop from Partner’s projects

Distribution of airdrops based on marketing strategy and cooperation with other projects in the network of binance smart chains

Rewards from Auto Trade Bot and Copy Trading

Part of the investment fund is aimed at automatic trade of decentralized bots and decentralized copy trading service.

Аirdrop NFT

Development of collectable NFT tokens and their distribution to Bidrop liquidity providers

The main directions of the Bidrop ecosystem:

Investing fund

An investment fund is laid in the Bidrop ecosystem. BNB are contributed from the investment fund for taking part in new projects of the Binance Smart Chain network. In successful completion of investment activities, the profit is distributed among Bidrop liquidity tokens holders in percentage terms. Part of the investment fund is sent to verified farm projects, reward from the realization of yald farming is also distributed among the LP tokens Bidrop project holders.

Marketing Platform and Partner’s Agreements

INTERDROP is the most innovative sector of the bidrope ecosystem, this line of activity brings the main value to the Bidrop community. The massive and more active the community is, the more successful it is. The main idea is mutually beneficial partnership agreements with the other Binance Smart Chain ecosystem projects. Making agreements, native tokens are exchanged between project stakeholders, increasing the number of potential partners and brand awareness. The larger and stronger the Bidrop community, the more favorable conditions the project admins can agree with potential partners.


Rewards from Auto Trade Bot and Copy Trading

The Bidrop ecosystem has an investment fund. Part of the investment fund is aimed at automatic trade in bots. Part of the investment fund is aimed at generating profit through decentralized Copy Trading into the ecosystems of Binance Smart Chains. Profits after are successful trading in these areas is distributed among the liquidity providers of the Bidrop project.

Reward NFT

Nft collection is being developed and further distribution for lp token holders bidrop

👾 Buy Bidrop token — Create LP token BIDROP/BNB — Keep liquidity on wallet — Automatically receive rewards and airdrop

✔️Website: https://bidrop.io
✔️Telegram Channel: https://t.me/bidropchannel
✔️Telegram Group: https://t.me/bidropgroup
✔️Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bidrophodl
✔️Medium: https://medium.com/
✔️Chart: https://goswappcharts.web.app/
✔️Token Address: https://bscscan.com/token/0x18da686f4e9770efbbe75f309ae50b0be8eebb80




Hold lp-token Bidrop on your wallet cause at any moment a snap airdrop and rewards can fall.